Tuesday, November 9, 2010

O'Brien Tops Rivals In Late-Night Return

About 4.2 million people tuned in to watch Conan O'Brien's return to late-night television Monday, making it the most-watched late-night talk show Monday, according to Nielsen Co. data provided by several TV networks.

NBC's "The Tonight Show" -- the gig Conan left when that network wanted to move him to just after midnight to make room for a new Jay Leno late-night show -- snagged an average of 3.5 million viewers Monday night, while David Letterman's CBS late night show clocked 3.4 million. Over at Comedy Central, Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" averaged 1.3 million people and "The Colbert Report" about 1 million.

TBS noted nearly 2.5 million of Conan's first-night crowd fell into the 18-to-34-year-old age bracket. This is important because 18-34 year olds are, to Madison Avenue advertising execs, what buxom brunette hookers are to Charlie Sheen -- and TBS is an ad-supported basic cable network.

With all the hoopla there's been about Conan leaving NBC, being canonized by his fans, going on tour, being hired at TBS, etc., he's sure to get a lot of samplingh is first week on TBS. The real test will be how his show is doing in the ratings a few months from now.

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