Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Richard Castle's 'Heat Wave' novel: Not bad!

Heat Wave, the book crime author Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) has been writing on ABC’s Castle, has begun to roll out on ABC.com, and though I’m still not sure I’ll be buying it when it’s released in print on Sept. 29, I am eagerly awaiting the second chapter tease.

In Heat Wave, Pulitzer Prize-winning magazine journalist Jameson Rook researches an article on New York’s Finest by tailing homicide detective Nikki Heat as she investigates the murder of a real estate mogul. The first chapter finds a reference to Heat having sat in “The Loss Chair” herself (a nod to Castle’s Det. Kate Beckett having lost her mother to a homicide) and to her love of animated movies (so I guess Castle is taking inspiration from elsewhere, unless I missed an episode).

What I find the most fun — besides looking for snippets of dialogue we heard in Season 1 — is reading how Castle plays up the sexual tension between Heat and Rook: “They turned to face each other, and she was a little startled by his proximity but didn’t pull back. Nose-to-nose with him in the heat, she held his gaze and watched the dance of reflected sunlight playing off his eyes. And then she blinked. Oh s—, she thought, what was that? I can’t be attracted to this guy. No way.” Castle creator Andrew Marlowe says specific page numbers will be referenced on the show in Season 2, I suspect that will be one of them.

As for who is the real author of Heat Wave, Marlowe insists there’s no mystery: “Richard Castle. The roguishly handsome best-selling author of the Derek Storm mystery series. He’s charming. He’s a good writer. And I don’t know why you’re trying to take credit away from him. The guy worked hard on it.” As hard as he’s working on solving a murder in the Hamptons via his Twitter page no doubt.

by Mandi Bierly

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